Face Lift Surgery
Face-lifts are recommended for those over 40 years of age or even younger, in some cases.
The procedure helps to retain a youthful and restful appearance and slows down (but does not stop) aging. Face-lifts consist of a series of procedures that are used in order to stretch the facial skin to remove wrinkles and folds. Incisions are made in front of and behind the ears, on the forehead and temples; excessive skin and subcutaneous tissues are removed. Usually the procedure encompasses areas on the neck, under the chin, cheeks and cheekbones.
Sometimes the forehead and brows are also fixed simultaneously, although these procedures are usually carried out separately (as it goes for eyelid rejuvenation or blepharoplasty). Postoperative scars will be hidden between the natural folds of the skin and in places where it is easy to hide them with makeup or hairdo. The aesthetic effect of the procedure depends on the elasticity of your facial skin; this elasticity diminishes with increasing age. The procedure should be repeated every 5-7 or 10 years, depending on the specifics of your facial skin and its elasticity.
Youthfulness and the aging process have been popular research subjects in recent years. We successfully use facial procedures that are becoming updated with ever-newer methods in order to obtain better and longer-lasting effects.
About the Surgery
Face-lifts may be performed either with local or general anaesthesia, depending on the health and preferences of the patient. A highly qualified anaesthesiologist who will find out the best aesthetic option for you will perform general anaesthesia. You will not feel any pain with local anaesthesia, either. In case of local anaesthesia you can leave the clinic within a few hours, although we advise that you stay at the clinic for a night or two. One night’s stay in the clinic under the careful surveillance of our staff is compulsory following a procedure with general anaesthesia.
ECG, venous blood and urine test results must be submitted to the anaesthesiologist prior to the general anaesthetic. If necessary, the tests will be organised by our clinic.
You will have to pay 1 - 2 visits to the hospital during the first week postoperatively. It is advisable to keep the bandage that supports the face, neck and the area below the chin for 1-2 weeks.
The most skilled surgeons are not able to rule out every possible complication after a procedure. The most frequent complication in the face-lift procedure is haematoma (a blood clot under the skin surface). Approximately two patients per hundred will need to undergo the procedure of removing the haematoma in the two hours following the procedure. We avoid any damage to the facial nerves, because trimming is only on the layers of the external side of the muscles. A slight change might occur in temperature and touch sensitivity.
Pre-surgery advice
- Avoid aspirin two weeks before the surgery.
- Quit smoking; smoking can hinder the healing of wounds in addition to weakening your health. We recommend that you give up tobacco at least four months before scheduled surgery.
- Take 500 mg of vitamin C every day for 1 month before surgery.
- We recommend a course of lymph massage 1 month before surgery.
Time schedule
- 3 - 4 hours for the procedure.
- 1 - 2 nights at our clinic.
- 21 days off work.
- 3 - 4 weeks of rehabilitation into normal life (including sex).
- 8 weeks for full rehabilitation including returning to sporting activities.
- 6 - 8 months for the best results to appear.
Post-surgery advice
- Avoid aspirin three weeks after surgery.
- Start with lymph and dot massage after 3 week.
- Classical face massage may be performed after 1.5 months have passed since facial surgery.
Krčméryho 2B,
Nitra 94901, Slovak Republic
Mobil: +421 948 772 202
E-mail: avelane@avelane.com
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